Search Results for: 2021

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How to paint shutters (and why they’re a great tool for a retail booth)

Shutters for a rented retail booth can be a great solution to challenges such as how to display products without a wall. So, here’s how to paint shutters. Firstly, and the reason why I’m giving wood shutters a makeover in this post, is to avoid making holes in retail space walls. Holes can be a…

Painted furniture not selling

Painted furniture not selling? How to solve the problem.

Is your painted furniture not selling? Here are a few ways to solve the problem. I’m talking about something you might think is embarrassing to admit and that is when a piece of furniture doesn’t sell. But I want to reassure newer upcyclers that it’s normal if things don’t sell for a while. There are…

The best upcycling project for beginners – the 8 rules

The best upcycling project for beginners – the 8 rules

The best upcycling project for beginners may come in different forms but there are eight rules to follow which will lead to success. Of course, rules are made to be broken. And you can break some of these eight rules too. But they’re designed to help you. To keep you on the right track and…